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4 steps to finding fulfillment at work.


Updated: May 4, 2022

I no longer feel fulfilled at work but I don't know where to start to change that.

Do you feel that something is missing to be fulfilled in your work? Maybe you would like to feel more useful? Maybe you need more meaning, to exploit other talents?

Despite the acknowledgment of those feelings, you're going round in circles; Should you change companies? Should you change careers? Should you try for a promotion? Maybe it will pass, maybe it will get better after the holiday?

You are simply going round in circles because you are looking for a solution before you have even identified the problem!

1 - Who are you?

It all starts with an analysis of that discomfort you've been feeling lately. Where is it coming from? What is it telling you? What does it say about the person you are today or the person you want to become?

We tend to go from one job to another without ever taking the time to question what we are really looking for, what we truly need to feel fulfilled, what we want to express but also the fears that limit our possibilities.

Taking the time to listen to ourselves and understand who we are is the key to finding alignment in your professional life but also to being confident in what we have to offer.

Giving yourself real freedom of choice is above all about developing self-awareness to give yourself the ability to claim what you want and need.

Without this work of self-knowledge and self-awareness, we let ourselves be influenced by our personal constraints (fears, lack of clarity, self-doubt...), social constraints (conformism, family, friends...), and cultural constraints (way of thinking, influence of the environment...).

Pay attention and investigate! What are your sources of energy? What elements define for you an environment conducive to your development? When are you in your Flow? What makes you unique?

2 - What is your « Why »?

Identifying your "why" means identifying your deepest motivation and therefore revealing what makes you want to get up in the morning.

Your "why" will help give meaning to your career and fuel your energy and enthusiasm while making you more productive.

In fact, it has been found that simply prioritizing meaning in your career can improve performance, engagement and job satisfaction.

When you're doing something you love or believe in, you're more likely to want to achieve mastery and therefore continue to want to learn and grow.

« He who has a why to live for, can bear almost any how. »

Finding our WHY is ultimately about understanding the impact we want to have, identifying our talents and choosing how we want to express them to contribute.

So ask yourself about your core values, what you bring and want to bring through the expression of your talents (natural or acquired), the experiences and relationships that feed your professional life and finally your mindset.

3 - Define your goal

Once you have completed this personal assessment, translate your findings into a goal. Personal development tools such as the adaptation of the Ikigai concept can help you tidy up the information you have obtained through your research.

What have you discovered about yourself that is not present in your current job?

Can an adjustment to your current role improve your professional development or is a career change preferable?

Experiment, overcome your fears, ask for help!

4 - Put your action plan in place

Now that you've identified your goal, all you have to do is take the plunge.

Taking the plunge does not necessarily mean quitting your job and jumping into the unknown. You can start by evaluating the different routes that can lead to your goal (training, part-time job while you start your business, family support...).

We may go through these steps together through a coaching programme as we also work on your energy, your conscious and unconscious blocks, so that you can find professional fulfillment with confidence.

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