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I contacted Exceptional Individuals after the pandemic affected my work and I was torn between several options. I had only been recently diagnosed with adult ADHD and, in retrospect, could see how this had influenced my professional life in the past. I wanted to gain some insights and methods for how to incorporate this aspect of myself into future endeavours. 

Since the first session I have been very happy with Margot.

Her approach expanded my consideration of what was possible, her positivity and comprehensive outlook on life as well as professional development helped me view things differently and, in a very short space of time, I was fortunate enough to find work in a capacity that not just matched my skills and abilities but also my personal interests and enthusiasm.

I would highly encourage anyone contemplating the idea of professional coaching, particularly neurodiverse individuals, to just do it. While it takes a bit of vulnerability and personal sharing, the outcome - at least for me - has been excellent.

Ben, UK, June 2021

Before starting the coaching process, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, career wise, which is why I was looking for some coaching. During our sessions Margot helped me understand that there were some underlying issues which I didn’t even think existed! She has helped me to work through these, as well as show me a clearer path of what it is I want to do. She even helped me create a plan which I felt comfortable with, and will stick to. Thank you so much Margot! 

Laura, UK, April 2021

L’expérience Boost à tout d’abord été une démarche courageuse pour moi, consciente que de s’ouvrir à quelqu’un n’est pas simple. Mais la patience et l’authenticité de Margot ont su me mettre en confiance. 
Elle a su à chaque fois reprendre le fil et retranscrire avec justesse ce que je pouvais dire. Cette écoute de soi par quelqu’un d’autre a été une part importante du travail. Je suis très fière de ces séances, une réelle motivation pour avancer chaque jour vers son objectif !

Charlotte, France, April 2021

Durant la séance Clarity Margot m’a poussé à la réflexion et m’a guidé afin que je comprenne par moi même « quel était le pourquoi du comment ». Je souhaitais en sortant de cette séance avoir les idées claires et ça a vraiment été le cas.
La séance de reiki était une première pour moi et j’avoue avoir été assez déconcertée par certaines sensations pendant et après, le résultat est que cela m’a fait un bien fou.

Julie, France, April 2021

Durant ce programme de coaching, Margot m'a permis de cheminer vers une meilleure connaissance de moi en mettant progressivement à jour un objectif de vie alors que je venais avec un objectif professionnel assez flou. Grâce à son questionnement très percutant et doux à la fois, j'ai pu prendre conscience de fonctionnements limitants et réaliser une belle avancée sur mon chemin de vie. Je remercie Margot et recommande Boost Coaching !

Luce, Consultante patrimoniale, France, Janvier 2021

With her charming presence and powerful questioning, Margot was able to guide me on a journey within me, effortlessly exploring doubts and negative beliefs until no stones were left unturned. It was like someone was holding a mirror in front of my face, showing me my value and what makes me unique. After each session, I honestly felt a little boost! I am now able to catch myself whenever I go back to my old way of thinking, pause and remember who I am. As a result, my self-confidence and self-worth have increased. Merci Margot!

Marianna, Client Success Manager, Royaume Uni, Décembre 2020

Over six coaching sessions Margot calmly helped me identify roadblocks in my thinking, enabling me to achieve my goals. Margot struck the perfect balance between allowing me to offload and challenging me when the time was right. I'd recommend her to anyone wishing to find out more about themselves.

Gerard, Royaume Uni, Septembre 2020

I have just completed my 6 session coaching program/experience with Margot. I feel I am a self-aware person but always fall back into the same habits and routines that don’t serve me well. Margot created a safe space for me to open up about myself (which I generally find really hard) and helped me learn to look at and value myself more. She was intuitive and challenged me in all the right ways which is what I had asked for and needed. I feel so much stronger already as a person and now know where I need to focus my energy. I look forward to embracing my future with a different and more positive outlook, thanks to Margot and her support. I would highly recommend Margot and Boost.

Denise, Dubai, Août 2020

Currently facing a big change in my career, Margot truly helped me to define my real needs and focus on them to go further. She helped me to discover new perspectives and define my own path. Through her active listening she understood my situation and with her authentic style of coaching, she asked some powerful questions that really created a thought provoking environnement and she nicely reflected back what I was saying which really made the difference. In only one hour she helped me to go where I wanted and to design my next actions. That was an incredible experience and I highly recommend her to any potential client.

Aude, Royaume Uni, July 2020

Jack, May 2021
Luce, January 2021
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