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A beginner's guide to the 7 main chakras

Reiki requires working with the energy body which is invisible in itself but which can be perceived through working with energy. It surrounds and penetrates every cell of the physical body vibrating at a speed faster than the physical body.

Each person's physical body is unique and has what might be called an energetic signature that can be compared to the identification provided by our fingerprints. I like to see it as a unique, personal melody that we create when all our instruments (Meridians, chakras and aura) play in harmony.

Let's focus on some of the main instruments that are part of our own inner orchestra - our main 7 chakras.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel". There are 7 main chakras in the energetic body, the first located at the base of the spine and the seventh at the top of the head.

Each one corresponds to specific areas of our life, organs, endocrine glands, emotional aspects etc. They connect us from the earth to the divine, i.e. from the physical through the psychological to the spiritual.

Each have their own colour, vibration, sound, and we can work on harmonizing our inner symphony through all these elements so we can expand our consciousness, unlock our potential and entertain our health.

The Root chakra - "I am".

The root chakra is associated with our feelings of safety and security, both physical and metaphorical. This includes your basic needs such as food, water and shelter, as well as your emotional needs.

Your root chakra is the source of your survival instinct - also known as the fight or flight response - and prosperity. It is the first of the seventh main chakras and opens towards downwards, connecting the energy body to the Earth.

Earth energy is drawn up through the secondary chakras on the soles of the feet and up through the legs to balance the root chakra and anchor us in the world.

The Sacral Chakra - "I feel".

The second chakra is a centre of consciousness (instinctual) like the root chakra. It deals with our emotional capacity to experience pleasure, relinquish control, make choices and create something unique and personal. Its state reflects our relationships with others and with ourselves.

"Sacred" from the Latin "sacer" refers to that which is 'consecrated, dedicated'. This chakra is the seat of creation of all kinds of projects: fertility and reproduction, but also fertility in its noblest act: creation.

The Solar Plexus Chakra - "I do".

The third chakra, Manipura in Sanskrit, is the seat of personal power, the self. Through it, we assert our individuality and exercise our free will. It is the inner sun of the body and the awakening of the authentic self.

It also represents motivation, will and purpose, which arise from a sense of self-efficacy. Self-confidence and self-view are also linked to the Solar Plexus Chakra.

In addition, it governs the digestive system and its respective organs; therefore, it has jurisdiction over the emotional brain of the gut and stored emotions.

The Heart Chakra - "I love".

The Heart Chakra, or Anahata in Sanskrit, is located in the centre of the spine, at the heart. It is the link between our spiritual and earthly chakras. It is considered a portal to higher consciousness.

Anahata roughly translates as "uninjured". Therefore, the heart chakra acts as the centre of compassion, empathy, love and forgiveness of the individual. It represents unconditional love.

This chakra governs feelings of trust, fearlessness, peace, generosity, gratitude and connection, as well as change and transformation, healthy boundaries, depth of relationships with others, emotional balance and self-love.

The Throat Chakra - "I speak".

The energy element governed by this chakra is effective communication. It is the source of vibrations and sounds and also represents inspiration and expression.

Vishuddha Chakra makes a strong connection with verbal and body language.

It is the centre of communication (listening and expression, body-mind connection, communication with the authentic self,...) and we express our own truth through it.

The Sanskrit word "Vishuddha" means centre of purification. Linked to the respiratory system, it allows us to circulate our vital energy through the breath and to release toxins and harmful particles.

Its blue colour brings peace, calm and also the idea of space and freedom.

The third eye chakra - "I see".

The third eye chakra, or ajna chakra in Sanskrit, is known as "the seat of intuition". Translations of the Sanskrit name include "to perceive", "beyond wisdom" and "to command". Located in the centre of the forehead, it acts as the centre of wisdom, awareness and higher consciousness of the individual.

Etymologically, "eye" comes from the Sanskrit "aksa" meaning "sense", and the Greek "ops" meaning "sight". What is even more interesting is that in Roman mythology, Ops is the goddess of abundance and prosperity. The third eye thus evokes the ability to see abundantly beyond the real, to be rich in our understanding of things beyond their first interpretation.

It enables clear thinking, spiritual contemplation and self-reflection.

The Crown chakra - "I know".

The crown chakra, or sahasrāra chakra in Sanskrit, is known as "the bridge to the cosmos". Of all the seven chakras, it is the most spiritual in nature. Located above the crown of the head, it acts as the centre of spirit, enlightenment, wisdom, universal consciousness and connection to higher guidance of the individual.

The crown chakra represents the highest level of human consciousness. It symbolises that which is greater than our understanding of life.

It allows connection with the eternal part of us: the soul. But it also connects us with the divine, the spirit guides and the universe.

The coronal chakra stands for wisdom, altruism, self-knowledge, soul consciousness, spiritual connection, but also the universal energy source. Sahasrara opens your higher mind leading to spiritual understanding and the experience of peaceful moments. Meditation is well known for finding this state.


Our bodies have a natural electromagnetic frequency that they prefer to resonate with. When all levels of the body are in harmony with this frequency, communication is smooth and powerful. The body loses its effectiveness in healing and maintaining homeostasis when the lines of communication within the body are disrupted. These disruptions or energy blocks occur when we store energy that is out of tune with our natural resonance.

As a result of traumatic events, emotional wounds, accumulated memories and beliefs, and much more, we create energetic knots which are like out of tune instruments that disrupt our inner symphony. As a certified Holistic Coach and Reiki Healer, I can support you in restoring your inner melody so you can find inner peace and thrive.

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